Monday, May 31, 2010

turkey israel

turkey israel

The National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Bureau (NSCCTB) issued a severe travel warning to Israelis in Turkey, and urged Israelis to keep from traveling there.
"In response to the events surrounding the protest flotilla, there are growing protests by the government and public in Turkey. This delicate state of affairs is liable to deteriorate into violent outbreaks against Israelis in Turkey," the warning said
The move came as a response to unrest in Turkey, where protesters had tried to storm the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul over an IDF raid on the “Free Gaza”ships in international waters earlier in the day which left at least 15 activists dead.
"Israelis due to leave for Turkey should – at this stage – refrain from traveling until the situation becomes clear," the statement added.
"Israelis currently in Turkey should remain in their places of residence, avoid city centers and sites in which demonstrations are being held, and monitor developments out of concern that the situation could worsen."

Saturday, May 15, 2010

delonte west gloria james

delonte west gloria james
Delonte West – Gloria James: The wing LeBron James was twice named MVP of regular season and has several proposals out of the Cleveland Cavaliers, eliminated from the NBA on Thursday. Technically, it is clear why he can not continue in its current franchise next season. However, a joke has run forums and social networks realizing that the athlete could not stay on the team for personal reasons.
According to rumors, Delonte West, a colleague of LeBron in Cavs, was sleeping with his mother, Gloria James, and this would be the main reason for leaving. More even than the harassment coming from the New York Knicks, one of the major stakeholders in the hiring of the star, who becomes a free agent in July.