Monday, May 4, 2009

teacher appreciation week 2009

teacher appreciation week 2009

Have you heard of Teacher Appreciation Week? This event is becoming better known every year and is celebrated in countries all around the world. Teacher Appreciation Week is in May and it is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate our teachers.

Teachers never know how their students feel unless they are told. Teachers deserve to know if students have enjoyed their work and that they have been appreciated throughout the year. Students may not tell their teacher because it may be considered as “un-cool” but if you want to show your gratitude, now is the time to tell them. The Teacher Appreciation Week 2009 is very good opportunity to show your appreciation and good manners to your teachers.

Teacher Appreciation Week is filled with events, including the special teacher appreciation day which could be the day students give their presents to their teacher to say thank you.

Every year, students are finding new ways to celebrate teacher appreciation. Some will buy presents and some will come up with more creative ways such as a scrapbook or even an awards show. Students are trying to think of different and innovative ways to celebrate teacher appreciation week 2009 this year.

Some ideas in the past have been to create awards ceremonies, organize music recitals and even sports tournaments. This is a great opportunity for both teachers and students to have fun and celebrate. Needless to say all barriers of communication are lowered and the teacher status is dropped so everyone can have fun and enjoy the week of celebrations.

Students are preparing in advance to make sure that teacher appreciation day 2009 is better than the year before. Students are looking for inspiration from other countries to see how they celebrate the teacher appreciation event. From this, students are finding new ways to show their appreciation for their teacher.

Teacher Appreciation Week provides students with a great opportunity to get to know their teachers. This week, you could learn facts about your teacher that you never knew before and they could learn facts about you. This week could even be considered as a learning curve for both teachers and students.

Make your teachers day by telling them how much you appreciate them. Even a simple “thank-you” can mean so much. If you haven’t managed to find the right time, Teacher Appreciation Week gives you the perfect opportunity to say something. Give your teacher the smile and confidence you know they deserve

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