Saturday, May 23, 2009

what women want

Love making ...........

what women want
SEX has its own language and if u know that special language then u can have great fun in your bedroom with your wife like......

Subconsciously sending your wife the right messages can mean more action in the bedroom.
If you have been married or in a relationship for any length of time, you know first hand how sometimes the simplest efforts to communicate with your partner can go haywire, spin out of control and leave you thinking “Huh?” and “What the hell just happened?”
And this is in just everyday conversations. It gets even more complex when approaching your wife or girlfriend for sex.
The problem lies in the way men and women communicate, especially in relationships. You see women typically communicate on a second and third level whereas men typically communicate on just level one. Here is an example:
Man sees his wife naked while she dresses in the morning. (OK, so far so good.)
Man wants wife because seeing her naked reminds him she is beautiful and sexy. (He married her so of course he wants her and thinks she is beautiful and sexy, especially when she is naked.)
Man talks to wife and tells her repeatedly how beautiful and sexy she is.
First Big Mistake—by directly telling his wife she is beautiful and sexy, like most men do, Man successfully communicates to his wife that he thinks she is beautiful and sexy, but this does nothing to elevate her opinion of him.
Some women will think to themselves he is only saying this because he wants sex (which is true, as all men want sex), or because he doesn’t really think she is beautiful and sexy but he wants her to think she is because he wants sex (this is not true but her self-doubt has subconsciously raised the possibility). In fact the message he indirectly sends her is that he is desperate for sex and is willing to say anything to get it (which is also mostly true because men are always desperate for sex unless they are having it).
As a result his wife is flattered (of course she is, as all women want to be considered beautiful and sexy) but her subconscious “he just wants sex from me alarm” has gone off too and unless she is feeling really amorous, this generates zero sexual attraction to him because women subconsciously want to be valued for who they are not just what they look like.
Man lets wife know he wants her.
Second Big Mistake—as if his wife is going to want him just because he tells her how strong his desires are for her. This is an approach many men take. It is a very selfish way of thinking.
Think of it like this. A three year old asks you for candy. You tell her no. She then says, “I want candy, its yummy good”. This is what it is like when a man tells his wife he wants her. He is telling her she is “yummy good” to him but he hasn’t made any effort to send her messages that says to her he is desirable and “yummy good” to her. He is acting like a selfish three-year old. What is “yummy good” to him most likely is not what is “yummy good” to her. Orgasm doesn’t count for this comparison.
The result is Man DOESN’T ‘get’ his wife. Again.
He didn’t do anything that sent messages to her that he is “yummy good” and someone that makes her feel “yummy good” about herself and who she should desire and be magnetized to or have sex with.
Now let’s see what happens to Seductive Man who has taken time and discovered some of the “right messages” his wife has shown to respond to. Let’s say Seductive Man has found out the male movie stars his wife admires, things about Seductive Man she was attracted to (consciously and subconsciously) when they were dating, and the guys she had crushes on when she was a little girl and just starting to notice boys.
Let’s say the characteristics these guys have in common are compassion and humor. Seductive Man has realized this so he KNOWS his wife is attracted to these qualities, because she has clearly shown that she is. Notice the distinction. Forget what women “say” they want in a man and only believe what they “show” they like in a man.
Now Seductive Man has spent time developing these qualities in himself. Not pretending but becoming Compassionate Man and Funny Man. Types of “men” Seductive Man KNOWS his wife is subconsciously drawn too.
Let’s replay the scenario with Seductive Man.
Seductive Man sees his wife naked while she dresses in the morning. (Ooh La La!)
Seductive Man wants wife because seeing her naked reminds him she is beautiful and sexy. (A perfectly healthy and normal male reaction. Hubba! Hubba!)
Pay attention now. Here is where things are different.
Seductive Man wants his wife in a “yummy good” way so he begins to send messages to his wife to trigger her “yummy good” feelings about him. As she is getting dressed he casually tells her a joke or funny story. He uses something he is certain she will find funny and gets her to laugh. He is reminding her subconscious of the things she finds “yummy good” about him, he has become Funny Man.
During the morning Seductive Man finds a way to be Compassionate Man and tells his wife about it during a midday call. He is careful not to make the story about him, but about helping someone. Seductive Man also shares another Funny Man joke or story. Seductive Man has trigger more “yummy good” feelings in his wife about him.
During the evening Seductive Man finds other opportunities to be Funny Man or Compassionate Man and triggers more of his wife’s “yummy good” feelings about him.
While getting ready for bed Seductive Man tells his wife about a conversation he had with a co-worker telling him how smart and attractive his wife is (this is an indirect way of telling her she is beautiful and attractive without triggering the “he is saying that for sex” alarm and instead triggers more “yummy good” feelings in her. By now his wife is boiling over with “yummy good” feelings about Seductive Man and herself. She pushes Seductive Man down on to the bed to share some “yummy good” feelings with him.
Seductive Man DOES ‘get’ his wife. Again. And she feels like she got him. A win win experience.

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